
The TMJs, or temporomandibular joints, can become inflamed, overworked, and even damaged. If you experience regular grinding and pain, you may need TMJ treatment. Dr. Sharp uses custom oral appliances to release pressure on your TMJs and alleviate your daily discomfort.

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[00:00:02.640] TMJ issues are issues with the two [00:00:09.080] ends of the jaw that ride up against [00:00:14.040] the skull base on either side of your face. [00:00:17.360] When we're treating TMJ, [00:00:19.640] what we're doing is managing pain. [00:00:25.160] Trying to manage pain [00:00:27.680] by supporting the joints with a piece of plastic called a bite splint. [00:00:33.440] The bite splint is something we place between the upper and lower arch of teeth [00:00:38.520] that helps give the teeth or helps teeth take up some of the pressure [00:00:44.640] or load that would be put on the joints. [00:00:48.320] If a bite splint is properly fabricated, it's something that could be helpful. [00:00:54.120] It's usually the first lining of treatment, to help someone. [00:00:59.360] A typical scenario for someone coming in for TMJ treatment would be... [00:01:06.440] If I could do anything that I wanted, [00:01:11.200] I would love for them to get a visual. [00:01:13.600] For me to get a visual understanding of what the health of the joints are [00:01:19.880] and then based on that, decide whether it makes sense to place [00:01:26.000] or manage the situation, with the bite splint. [00:01:29.960] And if that's unsuccessful, [00:01:32.720] the next step would be referral to a knowledgeable surgeon [00:01:37.920] who has an understanding of what to do in these joints [00:01:42.760] to help a person get better.

Dr. Michael Sharp

Sharp Smile Center

Dr. Michael Sharp believes in using his advanced dentistry skills and top-of-the-line dental technology to help people change their lives for the better — inside and out. Dr. Sharp belongs to a number of prominent organizations, including the:
  • Accredited, Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
  • International Congress of Oral Implantologists, Fellow 
  • American Dental Association
  • Michigan Dental Association

See Full List of Affiliations

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"Eight implants and many crowns later, I have a smile to be proud of. With the aid of sedation, we got a lot done in a short time. THANK YOU Dr. Sharp and staff for getting me through my dental problems." Gene

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