Dental Testimonial


In this dental testimonial, Elizabeth explains that her previous dentist sent her to Dr. Sharp for help with her crumbling teeth. Our friendly, knowledgeable team quickly put her at ease, making treatment and recovery as simple as possible. Now, she is incredibly happy with her beautiful smile.

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[00:00:02.520] The first time I came here was to get an analysis of my teeth, [00:00:10.200] which were crumbling and falling apart. [00:00:12.840] I had outgrown my previous dentist, [00:00:15.880] and he was at a loss as to what next to do so he sent me to Dr. Sharp, [00:00:21.040] who looked at my mouth and thought he could help me. [00:00:25.800] And he did. [00:00:28.040] What made me feel comfortable about choosing Dr. Sharp [00:00:31.080] was that he was really nice. [00:00:32.960] Actually, the atmosphere of the whole office is fantastic. [00:00:37.080] All the people who work here seem to like each other [00:00:39.120] and seem to enjoy working together, [00:00:41.200] and that made a huge difference in how I felt about [00:00:44.480] coming here to have something really horrendous done [00:00:48.520] because no one looks forward to having all of their teeth pulled out. [00:00:52.680] What impressed me the most about Dr. Sharp in the office was [00:00:57.040] my sister and brother-in-law came to visit a week after I had this done. [00:01:01.280] My sister expected me to be bedridden. [00:01:04.440] So she was amazed that I was up. [00:01:07.240] I could eat out in public. [00:01:08.960] They had had implants, and they had been swollen up and bruised, [00:01:12.800] and I had none of that. [00:01:14.520] So they were like, [00:01:15.880] "Someone in Kalamazoo does a better job than people in San Francisco? [00:01:19.880] I can't believe it." [00:01:21.800] The team around the doctor is knowledgeable and friendly. [00:01:26.480] It really is like being with people you can kid around with. [00:01:31.280] You can hear people talk. [00:01:32.440] They ask each other for stuff. [00:01:34.240] I can chime in and nobody thinks that's weird. [00:01:37.960] Amanda was the person who was with me through the surgery, [00:01:41.600] and I have nothing but the highest regard for her. [00:01:44.920] She was great. And Jessica is also wonderful. [00:01:47.920] When my husband dropped me off to have the surgery, [00:01:51.000] when he left, I burst into tears in the waiting room [00:01:53.800] because I had so much anxiety. [00:01:57.160] The next day, when I came back to have the upper teeth put in, [00:02:03.360] I felt only happiness and joy that it was over. [00:02:09.680] But that things were going so well [00:02:11.800] and it was pretty easily and painlessly accomplished. [00:02:16.640] I was just shocked at how painless it was.

Dr. Michael Sharp

Sharp Smile Center

Dr. Michael Sharp believes in using his advanced dentistry skills and top-of-the-line dental technology to help people change their lives for the better — inside and out. Dr. Sharp belongs to a number of prominent organizations, including the:
  • Accredited, Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
  • International Congress of Oral Implantologists, Fellow 
  • American Dental Association
  • Michigan Dental Association

See Full List of Affiliations

We invite you to request a consultation online or call us at (269) 344-4004 today.

Message Our Staff

"Eight implants and many crowns later, I have a smile to be proud of. With the aid of sedation, we got a lot done in a short time. THANK YOU Dr. Sharp and staff for getting me through my dental problems." Gene

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