Sharp Smile Center

Adult Orthodontic Treatment

Sep 27, 2017 @ 02:15 PM — by Julie
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Braces for adults is a little more complicated than designing them for children. Many things need to be taken into consideration.  Are there missing teeth? Are your gums healthy?  Are there teeth that need attention first?  A thorough evaluation will answer all these questions.  The other thing to consider is that the jaw in an adult is fully developed, so movement may take more time in most cases.  

Once your mouth is healthy and you are ready to go, we will take

Before we place the braces, we may have to add spacers, or occasionally teeth need to be removed to allow enough room for movement.  Once brackets are placed, a specialized wire is threaded through the fixed braces, this gently applies pressure on the tooth and root which causes bone cells to break down on one side of the tooth, and new bone cells to build up on the other side.  This process moves existing teeth into their proper position and helps to stabilize them.  We'll need to see you every one to three months to adjust the tension and make any necessary changes.

Most adults wear braces for about 18 to 36 months.  The length of time you wear them depends on how complex your case is, how well you respond to treatment, and how well you follow our instructions.

Deciding to get braces is a positive step in getting a healthy, beautiful smile.  And we'll be with you every step of the way.